Saturday, June 30, 2007

War & Peace -- Impression of Hamburg

Hamburg is a city prosperous all the way since the Era of Navigation. As the centre of Lufthansa Alliance, it has been an important port of Europe for a long time. And that's why it was dramatically damaged by the Alliance bomb attack during WWII. The city called Hamburg nowadays was almost rebuilt all over, with only several ruined remains surviving the war. And the most impressive one is definitely the ruined church. (Right)

A friend of mine said, "Gothic church is the easiest target during the attack, for its tip is very obvious from view on the top. " How ironical! The tip is the most obvious icon for a Gothic church structure, while it is just this icon that attracts the dreadful bombs!

Bomb on a church, a temple, a hospital, all these are the most unforgivable crimes during the war. May it never comes again!

(You can find more photos taken during my recent Germany trip here:

Sunday, June 10, 2007

暑假贺岁巨献--Ocean's Thirteen

看George Clooney和Brad Pitt耍酷已经是招牌了,有如007里的那句"My name is Bond, James Bond"。Matt Damon其实很有喜感,一直都在努力想要上位的小弟,第一集里奋力想要得到老大的认同,第二集是老妈,这一集换了老爸,还真是家学渊源。Ocean系列一直以来的评价都是戏份不多的一群小弟比较高,老实说每个人就分到那么几场戏,要想让观众留下深刻印象还是很不容易的。这一集新加入的Al Pacino倒是没有砸自己的招牌,只是万众瞩目的他和Andy Garcia继Godfather之后的首次合作有点令人失望;两人唯一的一场对手戏平淡无奇,比他们分别与George Clooney的互动要差远了。
看来亚洲赌客给美国人的印象很深刻,冒牌的地产大亨“王先生”(虽然Matt Damon吹嘘他的财富的时候有点太不着边了),还有George Clooney带来带去的一整团亚洲豪客(看起来中日韩都有)。当然,我们都知道大部分在Vegas挥金如土的中国赌客他们的钱都是从哪儿来的。George Clooney和Brad Pitt动不动就来一段谈爱情、谈人生的睿智对话,让人有点莫名其妙,是找不出什么topic给这两个大男人聊了吗?
虽然Ocean系列不会得到什么演技方面的奖项,但这并不妨碍它继续成为票房强档和电影公司的印钞机。George Clooney说他们不想再拍第四集了,We shall see that.