Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Grab the bride as you can -- Made of Honor

After ten years' play-boy life, he finally figured out that the "friend forever" is actually his "love forever". The problem is, she is getting married, and he could only become the "Maid of Honor". So, he decided to do whatever he could, to "get the groom out of the picture". (Really think that the tagline used in Singapore is much better than the one in western countries.)

We always know that what we can expect from such a script: funny scenes, cute quotes, kisses, and finally, crash of a wedding and success of another one. Now we can take a look at who is involved: Patrick Dempsey (heard of this guy, thanks to "Grey's Anatomy"), Michelle Monaghan (beauties in MI:III and "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", not quite meaningful...). Does this name list attract you?

The script writer is obviously not creative, but quite funny. The joke about Clinton and Monica goes all the way from the beginning to the end, nice try for a movie released in another election year. My favorite is the basketball match between the NBA ego and the Scottish big guy, a big slap for those think only Americans know how to play this game.

Dempsey reminds me Hugh Jackman, just more bad-boy-like. But women always love bad boys, right? :-)
Ms. Monaghan should sue her plastic surgeon, for her nose looks just like MJ's, I mean the current one...

A man keeps playing around with all kinds of women for 10 years before realizing the truth; A woman keeps waiting for a man who keeps playing around with all kinds of women for 10 years before realizing the truth, who is sillier? You tell me.

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